BUILDING A HEAD-TURNING, BIG TWIN EVO CHOPPER OUT OF A 1984 HARLEY SOFTAIL Back at it again, Son Mai from LNSPLTBLVD picked up a 1984 Harley-Davidson Softail, intent on building a Big Twin Evo chopper using a Gasbox Big Twin Full...
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Lowbrow Customs supply various parts for vintage and modern motorcycles alike.
We build and innovate ceaselessly, designing brand new motorcycle parts and accessories that exist no where else, getting them out onto the road. OEM, aftermarket or universal motorcycle tools and fabrication parts, we have all the good stuff you need.
We operate on the simple idea that if we treat customers how we want to be treated, good business will follow. Pair that with free shipping on orders $99 & up, fitment guaranteed and a 90 day return policy (with no restocking fees, ever!), and you can understand why Lowbrow Customs has a great reputation of custom motorcycle parts online spread by word of mouth, world-wide.
We are here to help solve your problems, build that dream motorcycle, and ship your orders out super-fast.
Lowbrow was started in 2004, a physical manifestation of chopper fever and passion for all things motorcycle. We are the premier source for custom and chopper parts for your moto, backed by a tight-knit crew here in northeast Ohio who strive to make your experience with us the best possible. We not only work hard to supply motorcycle enthusiasts with cool parts from small shops all around the world, but to also keep innovating and building, creating brand new parts and accessories, getting them out onto the road. READ MORE