Do you find yourself looking to reuse a top end copper head gasket for your Triumph engine rebuild or did you recently purchase from us a full engine rebuild gasket kit from us here at Lowbrow Customs? Your friends telling you to make sure to anneal your head gasket and all you can think is, "What the hell is annealing mean" and "Why do I need to do this regardless if my copper head gasket is new or used?".
Well, never fear we are here to get rid of your worries and help you get that motor sealed properly. The annealing process of the gasket makes it more malleable and ensures a better seal for your top end. This is a super important step that will save you time and the stress of having to possibly rebuild your engine again if your head gasket isn't sealed properly. In this short and sweet tech tip video Tyler shows you how easy it is to anneal your gasket and get it ready for installation on your top end.
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Here are some screen shots of what to expect from this video:
Map-gas is a great solution if you don't have another way to heat up your gasket.
Tyler finds it easier and faster to use an oxygen acetylene torch to anneal the copper head gasket.
Copper is a great conductor of heat and will get really hot fast, make sure to evenly heat the gasket and not focus the flame on just one area.
Get the gasket to a dull cherry red evenly throughout the gasket.
Remember kids, don't be Tyler and make sure to wear your safety gear!
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